Earn Money Being A Cord Blood Officer
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Qolfera | Published On: March 17, 2018 |
Cord blood, were introduced back in 2005 by the National Academic Press (NAP) of Sciences Engineering Medicine, collection of the red-fluid that left in umbilical cords in, human, newborn babies after the delivery operation of the laboring mother, it also included the placenta a dark red small-pillow shaped stuff that function as a filtering organ during the life of the baby inside their mother's womb. Health science consider this theoretical study, which solely supported by American Medical Association (AMA), American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG); for more abstract journal look at NCBI, as a life saving measures for future generations and the ageing populations that can cure ranges of diseases such as leukemia, autism, severe forms of anemia, types of diabetes, malignant illnesses, and immune related deficiencies. Complete list of diseases that can be treated by cord blood and for more reviews.
Purpose is for harvesting this powerful stem cells that are present in babies umbilical cord blood. Stem cells which considered effective with varied applications in developmental stages of human life but as we aged, our body is deteriorating little by little, these stem cells present are starting to weaken due to different factors as well like free-radicals, eventually this stem cells will hibernate, going to a deep-sleep in our body, and will stop producing healthy-good cells that specializes in supporting our body against diseases like cancer related disorders. Instead mutagenic cells will start to ravaged our body causing it more exposed to stressful factors. That is why our family doctors remind us that diseases can start to be symptomatic in our late 20's or in early 30's. Why its always recommended to have our annual check up once we reach this stage of our life, prostate cancers for male and ovarian and breast cancers for women, and diabetes for both sexes. Scientist allied in medical health professions are in the development to solve this puzzle: not to mention in combatting human progressive diseases such as Parkinsons' or Alzheimers' diseases. At present, cord blood is what have been found to relieve different kinds of human body maladies which difficult to find its cure, if there is, drawbacks are larger than its actual benefits such as too expensive, and its arrays of adverse effects especially those on oncotic medicines.
International health organizations do have types of cord blood banking, also called cryopreservation | facts: first means is via public cord banking typically it does not have any charges for storage purposes also they can use your donated cord blood for research sampling, second is through private storing generally can charge you a fee excluding its annual charges which only recipient and family members can only access its use, third is the direct-donation banking are combination of public and private storing which no fees collected. Stored cord blood is useful for a maximum of fifteen years, the only exception of cord blood's therapeutic value are diseases caused by genetic mutation.
In any instances that your reading this article right now and knowing someone that will deliver their baby soon, is to discuss this helpful information with both biological parents involved for them to be well informed cord blood's advantages. Of course to earn money; winking, no grin-smile please.
Here we run down some Cord Blood Banking thru online that can assist you in referral process don't forget the basic information needed listed on the forms. Most of the monetary reward is a minimum of US$100 though it still depend based on your country's currency. You can also refer to global Cord Blood Association to find health institutions that cover cord blood banking for both public and private storage. Read carefully the terms and conditions it apply so you know all your expectations. This post is not intended to be complete but if you have some bargain let me know:
Public type cord blood bank in the US: American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation
America's cord blood banks: Maryland.gov - List of Cord Blood Bank in Maryland, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), Golden Gate Obstetrics and Gynecology, Green Slopes Obstetrics and Gynecology, Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals, Cord Blood (CBR), Cord Blood America, CryoCell, ViaCord, Family Cord, Alpha Cord, Health Cord, Life Bank USA, Cryo Stem Cell
Nevada's cord blood bank: CorCell
Colorado's cord blood bank: CariCord
Canada's cord blood bank: North York General (NYGH), ProGenics
England's cord blood bank: Cord Blood Bank (CBB)
UK's cord blood bank: Virgin Health Bank, Cells 4 Life, Smart Cells
Germany's cord blood bank: Vita 34
Russia's cord blood bank: Cryo Center, Gemma Bank
Japan's cord blood bank: iCell
Philippine's cord blood bank: Cord Life Philippines
India's cord blood bank: Cryo Viva
Poland's cord blood bank: Polski Bank Komorek Macierzystych
If your a health practitioner especially nurse's, now you know why your affiliated hospital institution/s are selling these stuffs, the human placenta and umbilical cords. Have some bargains or an acquiescence reach me at qolfera@gmail.com.
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